Friday, January 30, 2009

Polling Along

Thanks for answering last week's poll regarding being a night or morning person. Apparently, lots of people I know are night people. Awesome. I love you morning people too so don't worry.

There is a new poll on the side bar. Are you a cat or dog person? Some other animal? Tell us in the comments.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Book Worm Wednesday

This book for this week is For Laci by Sharon Roca. I have read this book several times and its one that I will read again and again I am sure.

It is written by Sharon Roca who is Laci Peterson's mom. Sharon talks about how hard it was to realize that Scott Peterson had murdered her daughter. I think part of the appeal for me was the fact that Laci is only a few days older than me. She sounds like she was a wonderful person and I found all of the police work fascinating.

Its a good read.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Last night for dinner I had put some boneless chicken breasts and one bottle of BBQ sauce in the crock pot and let it cook all day.

But I needed a side so went to Rachael Ray's website quickly to see if I could get any ideas for oven baked potatoes.

I decided to wash potatoes, leave the skins on and cut them up into wedges. After putting those in a bowl I put in some extra virgin olive oil and sprinkled on some all seasoning. You could also use grill seasoning which is what Rachael Ray suggested. I stirred that all up and coated the potatoes and then put them on a cookie sheet. I guess really its a jelly roll sheet because it has sides.

Anyhoo, I popped those into a 425 degree oven for 30 minutes but you could cook them until 40 minutes if you needed to.

They were very tasty but I would also add a little salt and maybe some pepper.

Now I am on the hunt for a crock pot recipe for Sunday.

Wish me luck!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Very Funny Friday

There is this blog that I stalk by a very, very funny woman named Sue. I love her posts and her blog. RCH has a link on her blog so I clicked on it and now I am addicted.

Anyway, she started this blog carnival on Friday's about things that are funny. You have to write on your blog, then link to her blog and sign up on her blog. I didn't think that I wanted to do it at first but something funny happened today and I thought I would share.

A conversation I had with a 9 year old boy as he had just finished rummaging in our pantry.

SK: Can I have these? Holding up a package of popcorn rice cakes that have probably been in the cupboard for 6 months.

Me: Um, those are probably too old. How about a graham cracker?

SK: Can you heat up some meat ravioli?

I thought it was funny. Its up to the rest of you to decide if I'm crazy or not.

The Sleeping Dragon

"You go wake her up."
"NO, YOU go wake her up."

I can only imagine this conversation as I was sleeping, blissfully unaware of my siblings bickering over who was going to tiptoe into my room to wake me up.

I love to sleep and it shouldn't be a secret to those who really know me. And for those of you who don't, I LOVE TO SLEEP! I had always thought that I should be embarrassed by the fact that I could sleep in until 10 or 11 if allowed. I was reading an article in my Real Simple magazine and the author is the same way! I felt like I was given permission to sleep.

Please don't imagine that I can't get up because I do, everyday at about 5am. I am a classic night owl and would love to go to bed about 1am and get up about 11 or 12 with no feelings of guilt. Once I am up, I am fine but getting up is another story. When the alarm rings, I hate everything. Life, Work, The Alarm Clock, Little Puppies. I have to get up so I do because I am a responsible adult. But sometimes, after Seminary, when I don't have to go to work I go back to bed. Oh the wondrous sleep I get after Seminary. Bundled up against the cold and blissfully unaware of the goings on of the outside world.

When RCH and I were in High School we often imagined that we would establish a community of Night Owls. Bookstores would be open only at night as would grocery stores and every other kind of store. Schools would start about noon and get out at four. There would be no going to bed early or getting up early. It would be the perfect world. Then we grew up.

Going back to the title of this post, I am the sleeping dragon if you wake me up in the wrong way. There is a right way and a wrong way to wake me up. Maybe I'll write about that sometime.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Polling Along

A new poll has appeared on the side bar. Are you a night owl or a morning person? Leave any comments, in the comments. I am personally a night owl. I love to stay up late and sleep in late.

Happy polling!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Book Worm Wednesday

The book for this week is a non-fiction World War II book called Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends by William "Wild Bill" Guarnere and Edward "Babe" Heffron with Robyn Post.

If any of you are familiar with Band of Brothers that was on HBO these were two of the men from the 101st Airborne, Easy Company. They tell their story and it is quite fascinating. I bought it on Saturday and finished it last night. It was a quick read and I loved it. I am not sure why I love WWII history so much but I find that it is important to remember our history and this is one part that interests me. If you love military history you'll love this book as well.

Keep reading!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nostalgia: Simon and Garfunkel

For Christmas Mom and Dad gave me a CD of favorites from Simon and Garfunkel. As I was listening to it the other day and particularly to one song I thought about my senior year of high school.

One of my best friends, RCH, liked to make me mix tapes in high school and she would often put one or two Simon and Garfunkel songs on there. Cecilia was one of my favorites and the other was the one about organdy but I can't remember the title.

The problem was that my car, the infamous Flipper-Myrtle-Turtle-Wood, didn't have a radio. Well, it did while my dad was driving it from Oregon to Utah but then it quit working. RCH said it was no problem so we "borrowed" a radio with tape player from her mom's house. I think her mom missed it but only really knew it was missing when RCH brought it back at the end of the year.

Imagine, if you will, me and RCH and Beckle the Freckle driving around the thriving metropolis of Bountiful, UT in my 1973 powder blue Nova with the "boom box" radio with the tape player on the floor of the passenger side rockin' out to Simon and Garfunkel and the like.

I never had to wash that car either because the paint was so faded that it NEVER showed dirt. We had lots of fun in that car. Now as I'm driving my Ford 500 and listening to Simon and Garfunkel I remember those carefree days with two of the most important people in my life.

Polling Along

That's three posts in one day. Hope you are all happy. But what else do I have to do? I don't have to go to work.

This poll is fun. Trust me and answer it.

That is all.

Book Worm Wednesday

Today's book is October Sky by Homer Hickam. You may remember the movie that came out a few years ago by the same name and I can tell you that the book is better. I know that is usually the case in the situation of books vs movies but I thought I should let you know.

The book is about Homer who lives in a small mining town in West Virginia during the early 1950's. He doesn't want to end up in the mine like his grandfather and father. Instead he wants to build rockets. The book follows his determination to go to Cape Canaveral and work in the space age. It is very interesting and one that I've read several times.

Go read it. You'll like it!

Did you know?

That there is a font called Year Supply of Fairy Cake on Microsoft Word 2007? How weird is that? The font is cool though.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Polling Along

I know all of my dear readers have missed this little addition to my blog. So go over to the sidebar and take the poll about new years resolutions. It will be fun! Leave any additional the comments. (That sounds weird)

Its 2009

That rhymes. How fun.

Anyway, I have been reading lots of my friends blogs about resolutions etc etc and I have figured out over the years that I am no good at making or keeping those.

For instance at one time or another I've vowed to get organized. I buy cute day planners and they last through February. So I've quit doing that. (Until today when I found a cute tiny one at Target)

I also have said I want to lose weight. Who hasn't made that resolution at least once or 500 million times in their life? I know that I keep making it and breaking it. I've also said that I want to exercise more regularly and get in better shape. Does that mean I'll be a size 2 anytime in the near future? No. Never happen.

So I wanted to share some of the things I plan on NOT doing this year.

* I am not going to obsess over my marital status nor allow it to color my daily life. I'm going to live my life and see what happens. I am however going to soon as I have the courage to do it.

*I am not going to obsess over trying to be the perfect Seminary teacher. I have good days and I have bad days. But at the end of the day what is really important is that I love those kids as much as if they were my own and that is perfection to me.

*I am not going to stress out about things I cannot control. (Perhaps vent about them to others..of course!)

*I am not going to beat myself up if I miss a day of exercise, scripture reading or some other thing I am trying to incorporate into my life this year.

*I am not going to be unhappy. I am going to be happy with me because then you can share your love with everyone around you.

See ya around 2008.
Here's to a great 2009.

To clarify...

I liked the Twilight movie. I know that many of you might find that hard to believe after my previous post but those were only suggestions to make the movie EVEN BETTER! I've seen it many times..but not as many times as I saw Titanic in the theatre but I've seen it more than once. Let's just leave it at that.

I loved the music so much that I bought the CD.

I thought Edward and all of the other vampires looked good. My fellow obsessive Twilight friend (name has been omitted to protect the innocent) says that when Carlisle first comes on screen he is wearing too much make up but I disagree. I think he looks HOT!

Ahem..where was I?

I loved Emmet and Rosalie, Jasper and Alice. Although I will say that Jasper was shorter than I imagined him and also looked like he was going to puke for most of the movie and he had 8 lines. Yes 8, I've counted.

The baseball scene was cool and is probably my favorite.

I really did enjoy this movie and I plan to buy it when it comes out on DVD. (At first I wrote video and I knew some of you would decide I was older than dirt for using that verbage.) (Is that how you spell verbage?) (Is that the correct usage of verbage?) (RCH?)

In case you are worried that all I've seen lately is THAT vampire movie I also saw Valkyrie and Bedtime Stories over the holidays and they were good.

That is all.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Dear Summit Entertainment: An Open Letter

After much discussion with my a fellow obsessed Twilight fan I would like to offer up these few suggestions for Twilight on DVD and also to continue through to New Moon if applicable.

Please make Edward less hairy. The book describes him as smooth as granite. I've never seen something like a granite counter top with hair. Could he do some waxing for New Moon?

Please make Edward sparkle more in the sun. He needs to be sparklier and not just look like he rolled in glitter. He's supposed to walk out in the sunlight in Italy and have the Volturi want to kill him. As it stands now they might just laugh.

Please let the humans eat something! Every time there are cafeteria scenes the girls are eating celery and the boys aren't eating anything. Then Bella makes a salad and doesn't eat it!

Please use a smaller cannula (the oxygen thing that goes in Bella's nose) so that it doesn't look like the cannula is eating Bella's face.

Please help Edward say worried like an American. Also Hello.

Please avoid any references to monkey's, spider or otherwise.

I think that is all for now. If we think of anything else we will let you know.

K2 and a mystery guest.