Friday, February 20, 2009

An update on the NOT Spitting stitch

I went to the surgeon today and found out my spitting stitch was actually a cyst that got infected. The surgeon was a super nice guy and he numbed it up, cut it open, drained it and the pressure is gone. It hurts from the incision but I should get better pretty soon. But that hurt A LOT to get lidocaine shot into the cyst. I didn't think I could do it. I hate lidocaine but I'm glad we have it.

And I got some pain meds so I'm feeling pretty good! :-)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Polling Along

Take the new poll! Its about what is REALLY wrong with me. Is it just a spitting stitch or something far more sinister? You decide.

My newest obsession

I seem to be having some new obsessions lately and this one is pretty fun.

On TLC there is a new show called Toddlers and Tiaras about children's beauty pageants. Its weird and funny and I can't seem to pull myself away. What I find interesting about it is that most of the parents insist that it is the kid who wants to participate but I think it always starts with the parents who want the kids to do it.

These pageants are insanely expensive not including the dresses, fake teeth, make up, coaches etc. etc. Sometimes, if they win certain things, they win the entrance fee back but more often than not they are more in the hole than before they started.

I'm not going to pass judgement on these parents because I'm not in their shoes. I just think it is fascinating to watch something that I am not really familiar with.

Edit: Would you let your child, girl or boy, enter these pagents? Would you want them to do glam, meaning all the fake everything or natural with no fake anything? Just leave a comment.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

An Update on the spitting stitch

Apparently, something more is wrong than just spitting a stitch. My PCP gave me a referral to see a surgeon so I'm going on Friday. The first appointment available. So I'll be here at home if you need me.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Spitting a Stitch

When I had my gallbladder removed over 2 years ago I always had this little bump near one of the incision sites. I never really thought much of it until a couple of days ago when it started to swell, turn red and hurt. Really hurt.

It was so weird and I thought I was completely crazy because I thought it was related to my previous gallbladder surgery but how could that be when it had been 2 years since I had the surgery?

I found out today. I finally went to the doctor and if you know me at all you know I would rather do many, many, many things than go to the doctor. I had also been suffering from sinus symptoms for about 3 weeks so it was a good opportunity to kill 2 birds with one stone.

Mom decides to go to the doctor with me and we find out I am "spitting a stitch". Yes, it seems there is a very deep stitch that wasn't one that dissolved so now has decided to work its way out through my skin. How fun for me.

I also have sinus infection. I decided to stay home today and tomorrow which I think will help me to feel better.

With antibiotic in hand we left the doctors office with instructions to put a warm compress on my spitting stitch.

Whoever heard of such a thing? I swear it could only happen to me.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Book Worm Wednesday

For this week I've pulled something from the children's section of my library. I enjoy reading new authors of children's literature and finding new things to read about. The book is The Tapestry by Henry H. Neff.

Its kind of Harry Potter-esque but different. Its about a boy who finds out he can do magic but the school he goes to is very different from Hogwarts. I won't say more except that you should check out this book if you liked Harry Potter.

The 2nd book is also out called The Second Siege with the 3rd book coming out in September titled The Fiend and the Forge. I will be getting the second book soon but I'll have to reread the first one again so I know what is going on.

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I just can't believe...

its not butter.

Not really. I set my status to I can't believe it on Facebook a couple of days ago and some of you were probably wondering why.

We're moving.

Back to KC.

This summer.

Holy crap.

There are so many things to think about and a lot to do. We have to pack up a lot of stuff, put it in storage in order to show the house. So we'll be busy but I am excited to be going back.

All I can say is Wow.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Book Worm Wednesday

The book for this week is Somewhere in Heaven: The Remarkable Love Story of Dana and Christopher Reeve by Christopher Andersen.

I had always wanted to know more about Dana and Christopher Reeve. I really think she was amazing for the way she helped him after his accident and then through her own illness. It is a truly inspiring story but isn't all hearts and flowers. The author manages to also show the difficult side of living and caring for someone with a catastrophic illness.

Its a great read.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

To Jen with Love

One of the people I blog stalk, with her knowledge of course, was saddened by my post the other day to not see her name in print. So, here is my letter of appreciation to Jen.

Dearest Jen,

You were the first person I blog stalked. Remember when I clicked on the link to your blog from my sisters and read the very first post. That was great.
Remember how I continued to blog stalk you and blog stalk you until you demanded that EVERYONE leave a comment so I felt compelled to.
Remember that first comment. That was awesome.
Remember how we met in first grade?

No that wasn't you. Moving on.

Remember how sad we were in November when we realized I would be in KC but you wouldn't? I cried that day.
Remember how you make me laugh with every post and your kids are so cute and your humor so funny that I wished I still lived in KC? I wish that we could meet and be BFF. But here I am in Atlanta.
It doesn't matter that we've never met but I've gotten to know you through your blog and I think you are so funny and talented. I hope you never stop writing. You are a great person and I hope you have a GREAT day!


Great Post

My cousin posted this on his blog. I agree with it so go on over and read it. Right now.

I just...

ate 2 doughnuts and they were good.

Go me.

Monday, February 02, 2009

With Gratitude and Love

I should be prepping for Seminary right now but I've been reading several blogs today and decided to copy one of my friends Eliza. One of my best friends of over 20 years, Beckle the Freckle, found out that her sister has stage 4 cancer. She mentions in her post that sometimes we don't appreciate the people in our lives like we should. So I decided to copy Eliza and write a little bit about those who mean so much to me.

I love you so much and I am so glad you are my dad. I love going to movies with you and to Eddie Bauer just to look at bags. I am thankful that you and mom let me come and "take care of you" even though I think it is the other way around. You are the best dad a girl could ask for and I will always be your little girl.

I love you so much! You are such a talented and wonderful person. I am completely amazed all of the time at the patience you have to do your many projects. I can barely tolerate doing my cross stitch but I am glad that you are there to help me over the rough spots. I love that you have always been there for me through thick and thin. You are amazing.

As brothers go you are simply the best. You are kind and loving to your sisters now that we are all grown up and out of our childhood and teenage years. I love being around you and learning from you. You are so intelligent and someone I really look up to. I am so proud of you for going back to school and finishing your degree. You make me want to do that too. I love you.

The bond we share is something hard to describe to anyone else. You are there for me in a way that no one else is or could be. I admire your strength and the things that you have taught me. I was so proud the day you graduated from Peace but more especially that you left the nest to pursue your dreams. Also, thanks for giving all of us Little G to spoil He is simply so sweet and wonderful. I love you both.

Thanks for marrying my sister and treating her so well. You always make me laugh when we're together. I think the best memory I have of you was recently at Grandma Kieffer's funeral. I was having a hard time right before the family prayer and crying pretty hard. Thanks for putting your arm around me. It really helped me feel better. I really love you for that. I am glad you are part of our family.

I love you my little blonde headed sister. I know that we tease you all the time about being adopted but I couldn't imagine our family as being complete without you. I admire that you went to Germany to live when you were 16 almost 17. I admire that you teach the German language to high school students and you are so good at it. I love talking to you and hanging out with you and doing fun sister things together. You are so brave and smart and wonderful.

Last but not least. Thanks for marrying Mar. You are truly wonderful to her. Thanks for letting me live with you guys for those couple of years and for dealing with my craziness sometimes. I know I was a trial but you were always patient. Thanks for fixing my friend's cars and being a great example of charity. I love you and I am glad that you are in our family.

Little G
Thanks for being my first nephew. You are so cute and so loved by us all. I love you so much.

And a few more people who are like sisters to me. I met RCH and Beckle the Freckle when we were all in 8th grade. (That's right, right?) So we've been friends for about 20 years or so. That's a long time and I love them so much.

20 years is a long time and who knew it would last this long when Jessica had you write me that note when I had mono. Thanks for everything. Thanks for being my first real roommate in Kansas City and for listening to me all these years. Your support is something that I need. Even though we don't talk every day know that I think of you often and love you more than I can express in words.

I can't remember the exact circumstances of our first meeting. Maybe you remember better than I do. It just seems that you've been a part of my life forever. Thanks for listening and laughing and being a great friend. I love you so much and I am so glad that we are blessed to be in each others lives. You are a wonderful everything.

Love you all,