Here are my questions for all of you:
- How often do you use your ipod?
- When do you typically use it?
- What do you like to carry on your ipod and how often do you change what is on there?
- Why did you decide to get one in the first place and are you glad you did or do you regret the purchase?
That should be it! For those of you who have my e-mail feel free to e-mail me or leave a comment. Thanks for your help!
I've thought about this a lot, because iPods are so cool (so they say) and the ONLY way I'd buy an iPod is if my car had a jack to plug it into. That way I could play all the songs I have, without having to burn a new CD every time I wanted to. Since I don't have an audio jack in my car, I won't get an iPod.
Maybe if I traveled a lot on planes, one would come in handy, especially the video ones. But at the moment, everywhere I want music, I have music.
I agree with you and I happen to have a jack in my car so that would be cool. Still haven't made up my mind though. My brother said he would lend me his so I could us it and decide..probably would be a good idea.
I have the video iPod, and I LURVE it. I purchased it before the cruise...used it when I flew, when I sat out on the deck in the sun, and when I flew home.
I downloaded Heroes, and I have been watching that. I have over 3000 songs on it (I had no idea I had that much music), plus a couple podcasts I listen to. You can also download audiobooks, and you cen even get instructional stuff (languages, etc). You can keep a calendar (with your events), contact, and pictures...almost like a palm pilot.
I want to get one of those radios I can set the iPod in so I can listen to tunes in the kitchen. Not so much for the car...that's what satellite radio is for.
Truly a marvelous thing. You won't be sorry if you get one.
I use my iPod shuffle every time I got to the gym. My regular iPod I listen to most of the time I'm in the car, and sometimes at work. Vince listens to his every day at work.
I have most of my cd's on my iPod ... it equals out to be somewhere over 4,000 songs right now. It is a very wide variety of music -- from country, to hip hop, to folk, to churc music.
I have wanted one for a few years because I used to have to haul my huge cd case with me everywhere, and I was always really worried someone would steal it. Vince got me my regular one first, and then we got our shuffles because our work gave us gift cards to circut city, and we wanted them to take to the gym because they are tiny and just clip right on to your clothes!
I love my iPods! They rock! I definitley suggest getting one!
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