Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Book Worm Wednesday

I have been rereading the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling to see if I can find anything I missed. As I have been re-reading them I have found that I enjoy them even if I have read them several times before.

Good books are like that. You can read and re-read them but they always are like old friends who are safe and you can share experiences with. I think this is one of the reasons that I love books. You can read and get lost in another time and another place and even into someone else's life. I know the reason that I am such a great reader is because my parents read to me when I was little. My dad and all my siblings love to read and I know that its because of my parent's example that I am the reader I am today. I think that RCH had a lot to do with it as well because she introduced me to some very great books. One of my favorite teachers, Mrs. Bean, had the same effect.

Read on! Everyone just read on!


RCH said...

Among the many things Mrs. Bean said that changed my life was this: The brain cannot tell between real and realistic vicarious experience. If you read a well-written book on the subject, you may as well have been to the moon (or whatever); your brain doesn't know the difference.


irish said...

rch-- i couldn't get thru to leave a comment on your blog--larry and i have slept in the basement since 1987 and we love it, so i would move to the basement for the summer. just stay in the kitchen long enough to put food in the crockpot or the microwave and do the dishes then spend the rest of the summer in the basement--you have a beautiful basement. hope you don't mind, k2 for me using your blog to send rch a message.

K2 said...

I remember that! I had forgotten about it and now that you mention it I remember I thought that was so cool! She was the bomb!

Matthew Ware said...


So, did you catch the part where Dumbledore is gay? Because I totally didn't see that coming. Anywhere. At all.

K2 said...

Matt--Um no. I think that Rowling just said that for more publicity. I would hate to think that of her but still if it sells more books. I NEVER got that and her point was that nobody ever talked about D having a significant other. We never heard of ANY of the other professors being married or anything and were they gay? Was it a gay school all around? I don't think so. I'm nearly done with seven. Usually when I re-read I only start with 4 or 5 but this time I started from 1 and I really enjoyed it.