Thursday, May 14, 2009

A talk on Sunday

I have been given the GREAT opportunity to talk about Why Seminary is important in sacrament meeting this Sunday. I am excited to have the opportunity to address this because I think Seminary is so important when the youth are going through High School but its amazing how many parents don't think so.

Here is where you, my dear friends, come in. If you went to Seminary, would you mind leaving a comment about how Seminary helped you or what you learned or what your favorite thing was about it?

That would be fab.

Thanks bunches and loves!

1 comment:

Elder Nate Mountain said...

I have a testimony that seminary will build your testimony of the gospel and whatever scripture you are studying!! The year I truly put my heart and soul into seminary was the year we studied D&C, therefore I have a great love for church history and Joseph Smith! I gained a testimony that year of the Prophet Joseph! This helped strengthen my belief in all the doctrine he taught. I am blessed to have that teacher in our ward, Bro. Mark Judd, he will never truly know the empact that particular year of seminary made on my entire life ~nor will you Kathryn with your students~ The ripples of a testimony that matures in seminary can not be counted.