Saturday, August 05, 2006

AHHHHH!!! Seminary Stress!

Seminary starts in little over a week. A week from Tuesday to be exact and I am freaking out. I have to hold a parents meeting tomorrow night and I have no clue what to say. I am sitting here trying to formulate what points I need to make to get the parents excited about Seminary for their children. What if they all stare at me like deer in headlights? AHHH

In other seminary related news I went to a great all day conference today and learned a lot about how to ask the right questions..which is a presentation I wish that I had before I started to teach Relief Society. I was so glad for just that one class to help me be a better teacher. I also went to a class about temples and then we did a session in the Atlanta temple and it was really neat.

I am excited, scared and overwhelmed about teaching Seminary but I know with the Lord's help I'll be able to get it done.


Beckle the Freckle said...

Wait...what? A Seminary Teacher??!! When did this happen? I guess I need to talk to you more often, eh?

(And will you be teaching the smashed apples lesson? Because Rachael and I could write that up for you...tee hee!)

K2 said...

Smashed apples? WHA? I'd love to hear about it. Can't believe I am going to do early morning when I didn't even do it in High School. Holy cow. I am sure that I"ll have plenty to blog about..