A little late I know but I took some days off while I was at my cousin's house in Savannah, GA. We had a great Christmas and it was fun to hear her oldest two exclaiming how Santa ate their cookies and even left them a note. A flurry of present opening followed and then her husband cooked a breakfast we really didn't eat. The kids were too excited to play with their new toys. We went to his parents home that night for dinner and just hanging out. I played the wii for the first time and didn't do too badly at bowling. I swear that thing could be quite addictive.
I received a great book from my sister Liz, called "No one cares what you had for lunch: 100 ideas for your blog." It is written by Maggie Mason. Her blog can be found here and its one of my new favorites. (That reminds me I need to add it to my blog roll) If you need help in deciding what you want to write on your blog definitely get this book. It is thin and a quick read but can really get those creative juices flowing.
I am so grateful for the Christmas season and the time I had to reflect on Christ's birth and what his life means for me. I am blessed.
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