Monday, April 17, 2006

Employment..its good

Its been over a month since I last posted letting y'all know that I had found temporary employment at my dad's office for a couple of weeks. Well, as most of you know by now I finally got a job after only looking for about 6 weeks which is pretty good for Atlanta so I am told.

I hesistate to say what my job is but let's just say that I am a manager again but this time in retail. I really love my job and where it is located. For further information you can call me and I'll fill you in on all the juicy details! I might even answer the phone! :-) I've been working a lot of overtime the last month so I have barely had time to come home and go to bed before getting up again and going back to work. The morning commute isn't all that fun but I manage and it works out fine.

In other news church is going well and I feel so accepted by everyone in my ward. Its great to be in such a diverse ward. Teaching Relief Society is great and I've had a break in the last month or so. I don't teach again until May the 21st so that is cool. I get to teach about Missionary Work and even though I sometimes feel like a failure in that area I know I will be able to teach it well to those in the Relief Society.

I got my hair cut today and I knew I was going to get it cut but didn't realize until a few days ago that I was going to whack it all off. Its short...really, really short. Some of you may remember the declaration I made a few years ago that I would NEVER have short hair again. Apparently NEVER just meant for a really long time. I wanted a style that wouldn't get in my way while I was helping customers and unloading stock etc etc. I will try to post a picture if I can figure out how.

No dating on the horizon..I guess in GA you date or meet people online and I'm not sure I want to do that or I'm ready to do that at all. I also don't really want to go to the Singles Activities because I don't want to hang out with 50 year they'll call me to be the singles rep..ugh. I'll doing something about that when I'm ready to and not before. Its all good.

I love you all and I'm so blessed to have family and friends like y'all.


Jared said...

Heck Kaint, you know I don't use the phone. How about you email me info about your new job? Oh, and can I get a discount?

RCH said...

Yay! I'm glad you found a fun job -- Becky filled me in on the particulars a day or two ago. I've been trying to IM you, too -- your name is still on my list as Online most of the time -- but Becky said that's not really you? Or that you've disappeared from her list or something? Very confusing. But at least I know you're not just ignoring me. ;-)

Sorry I'm such a bad phone person! And email, too, apparently. Things are so crazy with the house (grrrrrr). Do you ever get to go online at work? Or do you on the off hours? Because we should totally IM. I miss you terribly and want to talk to you!

The girls miss you, too. CSH thinks every package that comes is from her Aintie Kaintie (including a crap load of mortgage papers the FedEx man brought yesterday, lol). I think you've gained mythical status for her: Santa Claus & Aintie Kaintie!

You're the coolest. I want to see pics of your hair. :-)

Uno Kidney said...

Cut your hair!!! Crazy!! You should TOTALLY meet guys on line "don't be jealous because I've been chatting with babes ALL DAY". then you can say that like every five minutes!! Ha!! Go online. Think of our cousin....