I'm writing all over the squashmores cuz I'm a big bad senior now! You are one of the cool sophs though, I must admit. You RULE! Biology was fun! Do you think our mission to get Matt to like life worked? Oh well. C-ya later!
Heart etc
I honesty cannot remember the mission to save Matt from hating the world. Maybe Becca or RCH remembers.
LOL, that's awesome. I have no idea even which Matt she would be referring to. How fun.
In other news, while you've got your yearbook out: Was a David Drommond in our class? Because I saw him on the news a week or two ago (sentenced to 20-life for fatally shooting his ex wife, yikes) and he seemed so familiar. But I have a bad memory, especially with names and faces. Mrs. McMitchell said she thought we knew him, but who knows. :-P
I am pretty sure that Dave Drummond is in our year. Where did you find this article? Point me to it so I can read every lurid detail. Yikes is right.
I saw it on the TV news, so I don't know. Lemme Google him....
Okay, here: http://tinyurl.com/ynot4c
This Dave Drommond is only 29 so he couldn't be in our class and wouldn't have gone to school with us. I think our Dave spelled his last name Drummond but I'll have to check.
I did know a David Drommond. He was in our grade and friends with Jacob R. and the other band types. He was really nice from what I remember. The picture in our yearbook and the one of the person in question make it hard to tell because of facial hair and whatnot. I can't tell if that's him. Didn't the article say he was 31?
(The article I read was on KSL.com, btw...so our sources are probably different.)
Sorry I'm late, but thats a pretty funny yearbook inscription! I have no idea what it was about or which Matt I was even talking about! Too funny!
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